Fortunately, you have asked a very good question. This is definitely a SAQ, that many folks would benefit from.
Just yesterday, with an avid player, whom I've helped for about 5 years - he and I came up with this answer for him;
2 TPI Golf Fitness Evaluations / Lessons
3 GolfPsych Planner Updates
4 'Play With the Pro' Playing Lessons
2 Golf Equipment Tests / Alterations
1 'Videoing Your Own Swing' Training
6 Traditional Golf Lessons (Topics As Needed)
10 TPI 3D Video Swing-Cheks (15 minutes)
GOLF...SUCCESS On-Line Academy (24/7)
Now this Player is more avid than most golfers I know. He has also improved more than most golfers I know.
He is typical of the folks - like yourself - that I help, though.
He's a typical golfer that I help in these ways.
He is a 'good learner'. He is honest and humble, with me and himself. He dislikes meaningless golf practice - and loves relevant golf practice. He listens very well, to me and himself. He understands, with increasing effectiveness, that improving the Golf Swing is only a portion of GOLF...SUCCESS. He believes, as I do, that he is responsible for his golf game - not me;......Joel is just...