Treat your golfing Dad/Grandad to a Tour-Like Technology experience!
For Father's Day get him a Full-Day, Tour-Tech, Whole-Game Evaluation with Southern Ohio's Only PGA Master Teaching Professional, Joel Suggs.
Hi-Tech equipment, often only available to Tour Players, will help his game for years to come...and all 5 aspects of his golf game will get evaluated; Full Swing, Short Game, Thinking Game, Fitness and Equipment.
Full Swing - 2D Video
How does Dad's/Grandad's swing look compared to the Tour Player?

Short Game - ShotByShot
How good, objectively, is his Putting, Chipping and Pitching?

Thinking Game - GolfPsych
How does his natural personality help or hurt his golf game?

Golf Fitness - 3D Motion Analysis
Does Dad/Grandad have unknown physical limitations that are hurting his golf game?

Equipment - GC2 Launch Monitor and Frequency Analyzer
Does Dad/Grandad currently use clubs that help - or hurt - his golf game?

Dad/Grandad will learn the answers to theses questions and much more. The Full-Day Tour-Like Evaluation starts with 9-holes on the Course, then the Evaluation proceeds with the Hi-Tech resources pictured above.
Normally $899 - for Father's Day 2015, if purchased before midnight this Friday 6-19-15, you can get this for the Fathers in your life for $ the link below: